Director of Tokyo College

Masashi Haneda,
Director of Tokyo College

Tokyo College is a brand new scheme of collaboration for members of UTokyo to discuss and create a shared vision of an ideal future with people from across the globe and to take action together to pursue its realization. Leading scholars, promising young researchers and influential intellectuals from overseas will gather and stay at Tokyo College. There, they will have frequent opportunities to exchange ideas with our scholars and students, creating synergy and generating new knowledge, which will help us shape our future. Knowledge created by these activities will be delivered immediately to the public through lectures and seminars organized by Tokyo College.

What makes Tokyo College special? It is the spark of ideas created through the intense interaction of cutting-edge research. It is the inspiration of new learning that comes from flexible and innovative ways of thinking. It is the ingenious speculation of intellectuals backed by the practical experiences gained through their earnest engagements in society.

We are thinking of introducing a number of new and exciting initiatives at Tokyo College, which goes beyond the traditional framework of a typical university. Please stay tuned in.

Masashi Haneda
Director of Tokyo College

羽田 正 東京カレッジ長ご挨拶

東京カレッジは、東京大学が世界の志ある人たちとともに、地球と人類の未来のあるべき姿を考え、その実現に向けて行動するための新しい仕組みです。第一線で活躍する有力研究者、将来性豊かな若手研究者、発言力のある知識人が、海外からそこを訪れて滞在し、東京大学の 研究者や学生と交流し、互いに刺激を与えあいながら、未来に向けて新たな知を生み出してゆきます。そして、その知は、カレッジが主催する講演会やセミナーなどを通じて、間を置くことなく市民の方々にも届けられます。


羽田 正